Cast Iron Pipe

Was your home built before 1975? If so, chances are your home has cast iron pipes. Have you been having issues with your cast iron pipes? Signs of trouble include clogged drains, leaks, sewer or drain backup, water staining and or broken or cracked tiles on your flooring, mold, foul smells, insect and/or pest infestation, and discolored water. Your homeowners’ insurance should cover cast iron pipe damage, however securing the compensation you need to recover can be slow and complicated. Damage caused by cast iron pipes is often extensive and includes far more than just the piping. Insurance companies are notorious for undervaluing, delaying, and denying cast iron claims.

Call The Sacks Law Group, PLLC to start your claim with the insurance company or if your claim has been delayed, undervalued or denied. You should have an attorney with experience representing you to ensure life and property can return to normal as soon as possible. The Sacks Law Group, PLLC is the representation you need. Call today.